MAR Publications makes the authors feel comfortable to publish their work. Kindly confirm with the below list prior to your quality submission.
- 1. Cover letter
- 2. Article title
- 3. Author(s) with complete affiliation
- 4. Abstract
- 5. Keywords
- 6. Abbreviations (if used)
- 7. Introduction
- 8. Materials and methods/ Headings
- 9. Results
- 10. Discussions
- 11. Conclusions
- 12. Tables
- 13. Figures
- 14. Supplementary files
- 15. References/ Bibliography
- 16. Acknowledgements
- 17. Conflicts of interests
The explanation for each of the above 17 elements is provided below:
1. Cover letter
- This is to ensure that the authors are submitting the article that is not published previously/ is not under process in any other journal.
2. Article title
- It should be specific, concise and appropriate for the article content.
- Abbreviation/ short forms should be avoided in the title.
- Italics should be used for species/ scientific/ botanical names.
3. Author(s) with complete affiliation
- Mention the complete names of all authors and co-authors involved in the work.
- Represent the corresponding author with the symbol asterisk (*).
- Provide the Affiliation including Department, University/ Organisation/ Hospital/ Institute, City, State, Country, E-mail, Tel and Fax of all the authors.
4. Abstract
- It should be clear, concise and transparent conveying significance of the work to a broad audience.
- Do not use any references or short forms.
- An outline of the results and the importance of their findings should be mentioned in brief, with 300-350 words.
5. Keywords
- Please try to provide 3-5 words.
6. Abbreviations (if used)
- Mention the entire list of abbreviations that are used within the article.
7. Introduction
- This should be general enough to draw in a reader's attention from a broad array of scientific disciplines.
8. Materials and methods/ Headings
- Give a detailed description of all types of materials used.
- Methods part should contain sufficient detail so that all procedures can be replicable by other researchers.
- Authors may divide this into subsections if several methods are described.
9. Results
- It should describe the outcomes and findings of an article.
- It should be clear, comprehensible and concise including tables, figures and all the information applicable.
10. Discussions
- This section should point out the significance of the results in relation to the reasons for doing the work.
- It should include the strengths and limitations of the study.
- Interpretation and implications with reference to the context should be given indicating the future research directions.
11. Conclusions
- Ought to be given for the closure of an article.
12. Tables
- All the tables mentioned in the article should be provided as .doc format.
- Table legends should be provided without fail.
- Give the exact numbers for all the tables.
- Mention the appropriate place in the text where these tables are to be inserted.
13. Figures
- All the figures mentioned in the article should be provided in PNG, TIFF and JPEG formats with a resolution of 300 dpi.
- Figure legends should be provided without fail.
- Give the exact numbers for all the figures.
- Mention the appropriate place in the text where these figures are to be inserted.
14. Supplementary files
- Inclusion of any supplementary files should be clearly mentioned and provided appropriately with a minimum file size.
15. References/ Bibliography
- Provide the exact sequential list of all references used in the article.
- Only published or accepted papers should be included in the reference list.
- The number of references mentioned in the text should tally with the number in bibliography section.
- Avoid duplication of references (Repetition of same reference with different number).
- The exact format of references to be followed are guided in the sample manuscript template.
16. Acknowledgements
- The authors can include sources of funding, grants, gratitude, details about anyone who contributed substantially towards the study etc.
17. Conflicts of interests
- The article should be free from any such conflicts between authors or with others in any aspect.