Aim & Scope:
The International Journal of MAR Blood Transfusion and Immunology brought you into the world with a dream of elevating your research to the broadest network and giving high visibility and exposure to your article. We likewise guarantee your research is easy to find, making your thoughts and information available to different specialists, Networks, and Organizations around the globe.
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The International Journal of MAR Blood Transfusion and Immunology publishes unique peer-reviewed clinical and research articles, new methodological clinical approaches, review articles, editorials and guidelines.
The International Journal of MAR Blood Transfusion and Immunology welcomes Research articles, review articles, case reports, clinical images, and procedural videos from all areas of General Haematology, Haemostasis and Thrombosis, Blood Transfusion, Immunohaematology, Immunology, Molecular biology and other areas related to haematology and blood transfusion.