The aim of this study was to use clinical-radiographical examination to compare the success of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), and formocresol (FC) as pulp dressing in pulpotomized primary teeth .
Materials and Methods
A total of fifty-one children were invited to take part in this study one hundred and two primary molars were selected for pulpotomy treatment with either MTA or FC techniques materials were placed on the pulp stumps then Zinc-oxide eugenol paste was applied.
Teeth were finally restored by stainless steel crowns.
Children were observed at baseline 3,6 and 12 months.
The clinical success rate were 98.9% and 89.8% for MTA and FC respectively however, this have not reached significance. In contrast, there was a significant difference (P=0.02) between the two groups.
On radiographic examination 95.9% vs 81.6% for MTA and FC respectively.
MTA could be the optimal dressing material for pulpotomy of primary teeth rather than FC.
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