The Quantum Half of Our Material Body and How to Use it for Healing

The Quantum Half of Our Material Body and How to Use it for Healing

Prof. Maria Kuman, PhD *

Corresponding Author: Prof. Maria Kuman, PhD, Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN, USA.

Copy Right: © 2023 Maria Kuman, This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received Date: May 29, 2023

Published Date: June 15, 2023




The article provides scientific evidence that we are not only material body. 1/ Scientific evidence show that we have ability to respond very fast (thousand times faster than the response of the nervous system of the material body), and this increases many times our chances for survival. Such fast response could be done only with waves. 2/ Scientific evidence shows that we have ability to adapt to almost any new environment, which must be also done with waves. My long-term studies of the aura showed the aura (also called biofield) is weak informational nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF). The waves of our biofield (aura) NEMF scan the environment and being nonlinear field, they imprint the information about the new environment, which they bring back telling the material body how to change to adapt the new environment. Therefore, we are more than just material body and the presence of the field form (called biofield) not only increases our chances for survival, it also allows us to adapt to almost any new environment and when the required changes are too big, to evolve to new species (and this is true for all living beings). Thus, the Creator created 3 prototypes of: human, animal, and plant. By adapting through their field forms (biofield or aura) to the different environmental conditions of different planets, they evolved to different types of humanoids, animals, and plants.


Key words: fast response through waves; not only material body; biofield waves; aura waves; species’ differentiation through adaptation.

The Quantum Half of Our Material Body and How to Use it for Healing


In 1979, the San Francisco neurologists Dr. Benjamin Libet and Dr. Bertram Feinstein published results that shocked the scientific world [1]. They asked their patients to press a button when they feel a touch. They found that the signal of the touch was felt 0.0001 sec after the touch, but the button was pressed 0.1 sec after the touch, i. e.  1,000 sec later. No one of their patients was aware that their subconscious is urging them to press the button, before they had conscious awareness of it [1]. Even 27 years later in 2006 [2], Dr. Libet still tried to explain the observed by them phenomenon, as “non-physical” and “produced by appropriate activity of billions of neurons”. No wonder, the neurologist couldn’t go farther than the neurons [2]. His explanation cannot be true because billions of neurons would make the response slower but not faster. The fast response, which Dr. Libet measured in 1979, must be done with waves to be so fast, but this means that we are not only material body.

My Studies of what Is beyond the Material Body

What is beyond the material body is our biofield called aura. I started my studies of the aura with photographing the aura with Kirlian photography, which uses high frequency electric field to multiply the photons of the weak aura and make it photographable. I found that at positive emotions the aura is brighter and at negative emotion the aura is dimmer. This meant that our aura is emotionally sensitive. Since we say we are in high Spirit when we experience positive emotions and the aura is brighter, and we say we are in low Spirit when we experience negative emotions and the aura is dimmer, I concluded that the aura must be our Spirit, which makes us emotional. Then I found that the ancient Jewish Cabala was teaching to high priest that the aura is our Spirit.

Later I developed and patented very sensitive equipment [3], which allowed me to measure our emotional response and how emotions influence our health [4]. After more than 30 years of electrical measurements of the human biofield (called aura), I found that the aura was weak nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF). This weak field was 1,000 times weaker than the field created by the biocurrents of the body, but it ruled and regulated everything in the body not with its strength, but with the information it carried [5]. This weak informational electromagnetic field scans the environment with its waves and sends signals to the material body how to change to adapt the new environment [6].

In my article [7], I explained how blindfolded man was still seeing the object and he was seeing it three-dimensional (holographic) because he could even see the back of the object. Since holographic images are created only with the waves of laser light, obviously the vision (when blindfolded) was done with waves. Since the blindfolded person (with no signal running from his eyes to his brain) could see an object even behind a screen, and since only nonlinear fields can pass through a screen, obviously the field involved in this holographic vision is nonlinear - the nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) of the aura (Spirit).

Everything material is a material body and light nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) – starting with every elementary particle and finishing with every material body – it comes from the way the material world was created (see my article: How Was the Material World Created? – Origin of its NEMF [8]). Thus, our body, as everything material, is a material body and light NEMF1. However, all living beings (humans, animals, and plants) have a second emotional NEMF2 magnetically attached to the NEMF1 of the material body, which makes all living beings emotional.


Other Studies of What Is beyond the Material Body

Proof of the two fields (NEMF1 and NEMF2) is the fact that Belorussian scientist found that the EMF of the body drops down to zero 15 cm from the surface of the body – this is where the two NEMFs with opposite magnetic polarities meat. Dr. Valerie Hunt of the University of California, measured the biofield (the electromagnetic field of the body seen as aura) and found that the human biofield react much faster than the brain [9]. She compared the speed of response of the biofield, measured with electromyograph (EMG), with the brain response, measured with electroencephalograph (EEG), and found that the biofield with its waves responds much, much faster.

Based on this, Dr. Hunt concluded: “I think we overestimate the role of the brain in our connection to the environment. The brain might be a good computer, but I cannot see in its activity the aspects of the Mind, connecting us to creativity, imagination, spirituality, etc. The Mind is not in the brain, it is in the biofield” [9]… and she was right. The seeing of the blindfolded is seeing with the Mind, which is done through the waves of his aura NEMF, which Dr. Hunt called biofield. Therefore, Dr. Valerie Hunt was right - the Mind belongs to the biofield and has its own vision.

Dr. Valerie Hunt also found that while most of the people (~90%) have frequency of their aura 200 Hz, the gifted individuals with extra-sensory abilities capable to foresee the future and see the past, to intuitively see with their Mind, and to connect telepathically have frequency of their aura between 400 Hz and 800 Hz [9]. In my book: Quantum Mind and Quantum Growth – Ways to Spiritual Growth [10], I explained that these gifted individuals have Spiritual (Intellectual) Quantum levels 10 to 12, while the people with frequency 200 Hz have quantum level 7.

Holographic Aspect of the Biofield Seen as Aura

Dr. Valerie Hunt also found that our biofield (seen as aura) has holographic features [9]. She claims that the electrocardiograms (ECG) could be measured anywhere from big toe to smallest finger – the frequency characteristics are going to be the same, only the amplitudes will decrease with the distance from the heart. Holographic features of our biofield (aura) also means that the NEMF of each cell of the body has the characteristic features of the NEMF of the whole body and this NEMF is dynamic and ever changing because it changes in new environment [10], with the time of the day [11], with our emotions [12], etc.

Other feature of the biofield (called aura) is its ability to imprint tri-dimensional holographic images as all nonlinear fields can do, which is another proof that the aura is NEMF. People with extra-sensory abilities could see these holographic images. For example, extra-sensor saw over the head of a woman a pile of potatoes and asked her with surprise what this means. The woman smiled and handed her visit card that said “Council of Idaho Potatoes”.  The same extra-sensory woman saw in the aura of a writer a monster and she said to him that he must be so engrossed in his writing about the monster that she sees the monster in his aura.

Yet another holographic aspect of our body biofield (NEMF) is that each cell of our body has its own NEMF. And the field of each cell being nonlinear allows collective behavior and collective mind of the cells [13]. Only when our science accepts the fact that each body is a material body and light NEMF1, to which is magnetically attached the emotionally sensitive second NEMF (NEMF2 of the Spirit), will we understand how distress (negative stress) causes cancer [14]. Distress obviously destroys the communication among the cells and they start to multiply senselessly (see my article: “Physics Not Chemistry Will Solve the Cancer Problem [15]).

We Are Material Body and Quantum Emotional Spirit

Thus, only when our science accepts the fact that we are a material body with NEMF1, and magnetically attached to it second emotionally sensitive NEMF (NEMF2 of the Spirit), will we know how stress (negative emotions) cause cancer and how to cure and prevent cancer. As revealed in my book “Quantum Mind and Quantum Growth – Ways to Spiritually Grow” [10], Jesus was high level (high frequency) Spirit, who volunteered to come to this Earth to teach us how to Spiritually grow – his teaching was: love, forgive, and help others.

It seems that it is worth doing our best to Spiritually grow because as the frequency of our Spirit grows, this makes us Super-humans with intuitive envision, with ability to: foresee the future and see the past, see with our Mind, communicate telepathically, etc. This is all done through the Quantum Computer in our Subconscious, which works with the waves of the emotional aura (Spirit) NEMF2 [16].

Healing with Our Quantum Half

In my book: Modern Aspects of Ancient Acupuncture [19], I explain that in attempt to understand how acupuncture works I created a nonlinear mathematical model. And I got two types of solutions – electric impulses and waves. Impulses propagating from the treated acupuncture point in the direction of the acupuncture meridian were measured by the Chinese, but nobody measured waves. I insisted that waves should also propagate from the treated acupuncture point in the direction of the acupuncture meridians and one year later the Hungarian scientist A. Eory reported they found the waves.

My book on acupuncture is the only book that explains how acupuncture heals - it is done through the waves of our Quantum half – the aura NEMF. I have also article published with measurements of Rei-Ki healers [20], which show that Reiki healing is also done with our Quantum Half 0 the aura NEMF. I have also published an article explaining how homeopathic remedies work [21]. Our science denies the effect of the homeopathic remedies because they are so diluted that no substance is left. Yes, the substance is not there, but the frequencies of the substance are imprinted on the nonlinear field of the solution. Now when we attempt to make Quantum Computers and speak about the informational fields involved in them, we should give to acupuncture, Rei-Ki, and homeopathic remedies equal rights of existence with the western medicine.



Quantum Half of the aura NEMF. However, if we are wise, we must restrict the access to the powerful Quantum Computers we create because access to such power cannot be given to everybody. Our Creator wisely restricted the access to the powerful Quantum Computer in our Subconscious. Only highly spiritual (emotional) people, with high frequency of their Spirit (NEMF2) (Spiritual levels 10 to 12 [10]) who meat some moral criteria, have access to the powerful Quantum Computer. These are the people that can: communicate telepathically, see the aura (Spirit), intuitively see and foresee things, etc. For more benefits from the presence of the light Spirit NEMF2 in our material body see my article [17].

Major benefits of the presence of the light Spirit (NEMF2) is – it allows us to respond intuitively very fast, which increases many times our chances for survival. Should our life depend only on the slow response of our nervous system, we would be dead long time ago… The fast response is done through the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious, which works with the waves of our emotional Spirit (NEMF2) - the response is fast because the waves of the Spirit propagate fast. Thus, the fast response, which Dr. Libet found in 1979, is done through the waves of the aura (Spirit) NEMF, which proves that we are a material body and biofield seen as aura, which is our emotional Spirit.

The waves of the aura (Spirit) scan the environment, and if the environment is new, send the information for the new environment to the material body, telling it how to change to adapt to the new environment [18]. If the required changes are substantial, the material body evolve to a new specie.  If so, all the Creator needed to do was to create 3 prototypes: of human, animal, and plant. Through their field form, called biofield or aura (Spirit), by adapting to the different environmental conditions of different planets, they evolved to different types of humanoids, animals, and plants.



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