There is Something More than the DNA – The Field Information, Which Explains Adaptation, Evolution, and Autosuggestion for Healing

There is Something More than the DNA – The Field Information, Which Explains Adaptation, Evolution, and Autosuggestion for Healing

Prof. Maria Kuman, PhD *

Corresponding Author: Prof. Maria Kuman, PhD, Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN, USA.

Copy Right: © 2023 Maria Kuman, This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received Date: May 29, 2023

Published Date: June 15, 2023



This article is about the field form of the material DNA, which plays essential role in adaptation, evolution, and autosuggestion for healing. Everything material is a material body and nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF1). In all living beings (humans, animals, and plants, the field of the material body NEMF1 is magnetically attached to the NEMF2 of the Spirit seen as aura (which means they spin in opposite direction). My lifelong measurements of the weak NEMF2 of the aura (Spirit) found it to be 1,000 times weaker than the NEMF1 of the material body, but this weak aura (Spirit) NEMF2 rules and regulates everything in the body - not with its strength, but with the information it carries (NEMF2 is informational field). This makes NEMF2 very important for our health and wellbeing. 1/ The fast waves of the weak NEMF2 of the Spirit allow fast response reaction, which increases many times our chances for survival. 2/ The fast waves of the weak NEMF2 scan the environment and if there are changes in the environment, they send signals to the material body how to change to adapt to the new environment. 3/ If the new environment requires drastic changes, the living beings evolve to a new kind of species. 4/ The aura (Spirit) NEMF2 also allows healing with autosuggestion.

Key words: material body with NEMF1; living beings NEMF1 + weak informational NEMF2; NEMF2 allows fast response reaction; NEMF2 allows adaptation; what “informational” means; what “information” can do.

There is Something More than the DNA – The Field Information, Which Explains Adaptation, Evolution, and Autosuggestion for Healing


There is something more than the DNA because identical twins with the same DNA are usually rather different personalities. I was in middle school when we had in our class two identical twins. They were so undistinguishable that I decided to become a friend with them to learn to distinguish them. When I get to know them closer, I was astonished that while looking so identical on the outside they were totally different personalities – they were like the Sun and the Moon. Therefore, it is not only the DNA, there is more to it.


Dr. Levin’s Two-headed Worms

Dr. Levin and his colleagues at Tufts University did the following experiments with worms [1]. It is well known that if you cut a Planaria worm into two, the head half will develop a tail and the tail half will develop a head and you will have two complete worms. But Dr. Levin found that if he changes the electrical polarization at the cut, he could have worms with two heads or two tails. It is a well-known fact that every fertilized cell is becoming polarized and from the positive end of the cell the head is developed and from the negative end – the tail. What is interesting here is the fact that the two-headed worms had the same DNA as the normal worms. However, when they were reproducing – the offsprings of the two-headed worms were two headed worms [1]. Therefore, it is not only the DNA, there is more to it.

This also means that physical factors, like electrical polarization, could change the type of species – the two-headed worms were new species. Another example of physical factors influencing the offsprings are the experiments done on the International Space Station showing that bacteria could have different gene expression when the magnetic field of the Earth is missing [1]. This indicated that physical factors like the magnetic field of the Earth could change or modify the species. Is there something in these species in addition to the DNA that is electromagnetically sensitive, which makes the whole system sensitive to external electromagnetic changes?

The Cellular Automats’ Modeling in Dr. Paul Davis Research Group

Alyssa Adams and Sara Walker from the research group of Prof. Dr. Paul Davis [1] at the Arizona State University made computer mathematical modeling using cellular automats. They computationally coupled two sets of standard cellular automats – one representing the body and the other the environment. They wanted to experiment and see if changes in the environment can make the bodies evolve to new species. Even their simplistic model provided evidence that when adapting to new environment, pathways exist of evolution to new species – pathways of complexity and variety [1]. In some cases, the information received from the new environment demanded such dramatic changes to adapt to the new environment that the species evolved into new species.

Evolving to different species when adapting to new environment is a Quantum Jump. Since Quantum Jumps require waves (everything Quantum is waves), in the adaptation process waves must be involved. Therefore, understanding the process of adaptation would require involvement of Quantum Mechanics. However, a new branch of physics – Informational Physics - needs to be developed and for this purpose we need a new definition of what is information and what information can do.


Ancient Wisdom About Information – Information Could Curve Space

Ancient sources claim that information can curve the space. If so, negative information delivered as curses, or negative word (assaults) from somebody could change the aura space of the cursed person, which with time will bring a disease of the physical body. What is aura? I spent my entire life first photographing and then measuring the weak aura [2], [3]. I found that the aura is emotional – it shines brighter at positive emotions and is dimmer at negative emotions [4]. Since we say we are in high Spirit when we experience positive emotions and we say we are in low Spirit when we experience negative emotions, I concluded that the aura must be our Spirit. Then I found that the ancient Jewish Cabala was teaching to high priest that the aura is our Spirit – aura (Spirit).

I found that the aura is nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF). Since all nonlinear fields do not dissipate and can imprint information, this explains why information like bad words and curses can influence the aura NEMF. Since the aura rules and regulates everything in the body [2], by influencing the aura NEMF, the bad words and curses would influence the physical health of the person. The aura NEMF consists of two components – the NEMF1 of the material body and the weak informational NEMF2 of the Spirit, which rules and regulates everything in the body not with its strength, but with the information it carries. The (Spirit) NEMF2 is magnetically attached to the NEMF1 of the material body. 

Why does at positive emotions our aura shine brighter? The Russian scientist Shkatov developed equipment “torsemeter”, which allows him to measure the spinning of the aura. Shkatov found that when we experience positive emotions our aura spins clockwise [5]. Since according to nonlinear physics vortices spin clockwise and suck energy in, obviously positive emotions make our NEMF to spin clockwise and suck energy in. However, for this to happen a reservoir of NEMF energy must be available. I call this reservoir of NEMF energy - Space Matrix NEMF because this is the material from which the Universe was created. Since nonlinear fields do not dissipate and can imprint information, the Creator created a sphere of this nondissipating NEMF (Space Matrix), then imprinted on it the holographic image of the Universe to be, and the Universe was created.

Shkatov found that when we experience negative emotions our aura spins counterclockwise [5]. Since I found that the aura is NEMF2 and according to nonlinear physics anti-vortices spin counterclockwise and emit energy, obviously negative emotions make our NEMF to spin counterclockwise and loose NEMF energy to the Space Matrix NEMF. This makes our aura dimmer and it is felt as “being in low Spirit”. I hope this explains why our aura is our Spirit. Thus, we are material body NEMF1 and Spirit NEMF2, which comes from the Creator. This is in full agreement with the ancient Jewish Cabala, which says that the aura is our Spirit. Also, the name “Hu-Man” means “God’s man” – the Yogi sang “Hu” to get united with “God Hu”.  By naming ourselves humans, we say that we are Man (a material body) and Spirit, which is a holographic template of the hologram of the Creator God Hu [6].

The Russian scientists also found that diseases are always preceded by changes in the aura and it takes some time until the changes in the aura become manifested in the material body as a disease with physical symptoms. They have developed equipment that can detect and measure the deformations in the aura and they have another equipment that can restore the original shape of the aura and prevent the oncoming disease [5]. The US is very far from embracing preventive medicine.


My Studies of the Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (NEMF) of the Aura (Spirit) and Its Involvement in Adaptation, Evolution to New Species, and Healing with Autosuggestion

Thus, my lifelong study of the NEMF of our aura (Spirit) found that it is weak informational NEMF, which play essential role in the processes of adaptation. The aura (Spirit) with its waves scans the new environment and sends the information received from the new environment to the material body telling it how to change to adapt to the new environment [7]. When the adaptation to the new environment requires too many changes, this leads to the development of new species called evolution.  Thus, each evolution is a quantum jump to a new type of species and since only Quantum Computer can do quantum jumps, obviously our Quantum Computer in the Subconscious is involved [8], [9].

Now, speaking in computer terminology the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious, which operates with the waves of the Spirit (which is holographic template of the hologram of the Creator), is the hardware. The Digital Computer in our Conscious, which can change depending on social rules, education, etc., is our software. The French psychologist Emil Kouer in his book [10] published in 1932 offers recommendations for autosuggestions used for healing based on his 20 years of observations. However, he could not explain why things are the way he found them to be. Below are his observations with my explanations.

1/ “When there is a conflict between the imagination and the will, the imagination always wins” [10]. My explanation is – the imagination always wins over the will because while imagination relates to the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious working with the waves of the Spirit, which is our hardware, the will relates to the Digital Computer of our Conscious, which is our software… and the hardware always wins over the software.

2/ “When there is no conflict between the imagination and the will and they work toward one goal, the force is much stronger than the simple sum of the energy of the two”. My explanation is – the imagination relates to the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious and the will to the Digital Computer in the Conscious. Since they are nonlinear fields, they are nonlinearly connected [11], [12], and according to nonlinear physics their total energy is much higher than the simple sum of the two.

3/ “Through autosuggestion, we use our imagination to influence and rule the processes in the body like healing of physical or mental diseases”. My explanation is: using our imagination means using the powerful Quantum Computer in our Subconscious. Since the Quantum Computer, which works with the waves of our Spirit NEMF2, rules and regulates everything in the body, it is obvious that by using imagination, i.e. using the Quantum Computer, we can heal.


Thus, there is something more than the material DNA and its NEMF1. The whole material world was created by Black Holes of anti-matter and the NEMF that separated the matter from the anti-matter was imprinted on all material creations [13] – everything material is a material body and NEMF1. All living beings (humans, animals, and plants) have another weaker NEMF2, which makes all living beings emotional, and which is magnetically attached to the NEMF1 of the material body. So, we are symbiosis of material body and emotional Spirit (NEMF). Symbiosis by definition is coexistence of two entities, at which each entity benefits from the presence of the other.

Our material body benefits from the presence of the Spirit (NEMF2) because the fast waves of the NEMF2 allows very fast reaction, which increases many times our chances for survival [14]. Also, the fast waves of the NEMF2 (Spirit) scan the environment and if there are changes in the environment it sends signals to the material body how to change to adapt the new environment. If the required changes are drastic - new species would develop… and this is true for all living beings – humans, animals, and plants.

Goethe published a book on the origin of plants and claimed that the whole variety of plants came from one prototype of plant’s Spirit with unlimited possibility to adapt, and I think he was right. This was 70 years before Darwin, and since Goethe was so much ahead of his time, his genius intuitive insight remained unappreciated. I have an article published that proved that the different races on Earth appeared as adaptations to the different climate of different geographic latitudes [15].

This article was also able to explain the healing with autosuggestion, which is informational healing, with the involvement of the weak informational NEMF2 of the aura (Spirit). The article was also able to explain the so-called rules of Kouer based on his long-term observations, who first started using autosuggestion for healing and used it during the whole his life without being able to explain how it works.


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6. M. Kuman, Holographic (Quantum) Ways of Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, and Memorizing and How to Use Them for Diagnosis, Research in Medicine and Engineering Sciences, 5 (3) 2018.

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