How Drinking Coffee and Taking Narcotics Influence your Body Health and Spirit

How Drinking Coffee and Taking Narcotics Influence your Body Health and Spirit

Maria Kuman, PhD*1


*Correspondence to: Maria Kuman, PhD, Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN, USA.


© 2023: Maria Kuman. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Received: 25 July 2023

Published: 01 September 2023



The article offers scientific research on the effect of narcotics and coffee on the human biofield, seen as aura, which I found in independent studies to be emotional – it is brighter at positive emotions and dimmer at negative emotions. Since we say we are in high Spirit when experiencing positive emotions, and we say we are in low spirit when we experience negative emotions, I concluded that the aura must be our Spirit. Then I found that the ancient Jewish Cabala was teaching to high priests that the aura is our Spirit. The aura (Spirit) was measured after drinking of coffee and after narcotics and it was found that while after the use of narcotics only 20% of the Spirit was left, after the use of coffee, the energy of the Spirit was 20% less. It was concluded that the caffeine in the coffee boosts the energy of the body, but weakens the energy of the Spirit by 20%.


Key words: effect of narcotics on Spirit; effect of coffee on Spirit; effect of coffee on body; aura (Spirit) NEMF; emotional aura (Spirit).

How Drinking Coffee and Taking Narcotics Influence your Body Health and Spirit

Scientists are funny people. They are eager to investigate everything. So, some scientists [1] investigated how coffee would influence the behavior of a spider. Other scientist [2] investigated how the narcotic LSD would influence the behavior of a spider. The results are summed up on Fig. 1, which was published in [3].

Normal Spiderweb, after LSD, after Coffee

If you are a coffee drinker or narcotic user, after seeing on Fig. 1 how these substances dramatically change the spider behavior and its ability to weave a proper spider web, I don’t think you would be willing to drink coffee or use narcotics.


Fig. 1 Spider web woven after: 1/ no drugs, 2/ LSD, and 3/ coffee

My Lifetime Studies of the Biofield NEMF Seen as Aura and the Space Matrix NEMF

My lifetime studies of the aura helped me understand what was going on. In my studies of the aura, I found that the aura is brighter when we experience positive emotions. Since the Russian scientist Shkatov found with his patented “torsemeter” that the aura spins clockwise at positive emotions and nonlinear physics teaches that vortices spin clockwise and suck energy, it became obvious that the aura is brighter at positive emotions because energy is sucked in. Since we say we are in high Spirit when we experience positive emotions, I concluded that the aura must be our Spirit. I found confirmation of my conclusion in the ancient Jewish Cabala, which was teaching to high priests that the aura is our Spirit [4].

My lifelong studies of the aura (Spirit) as a fun project left me with the understanding that our Spirit is nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF). If so, the aura NEMF can become brighter at positive emotions only if there is a reservoir of NEMF energy, from which the clockwise spinning aura can suck energy. Such reservoir of NEMF energy could only be the Space Matrix, from which the Universe was created. Indeed, NEMF is the perfect material to create a Universe. Nonlinear fields do not dissipate and can imprint information. The Creator created a sphere of this not dissipating NEMF, then He imprinted on it the holographic image of the Universe to be and the Universe was created [4].

My studies of the aura found that the aura is dimmer when we experience negative emotions. Since the Russian scientist Shkatov found with his patented equipment that the aura spins counterclockwise at negative emotions and nonlinear physics teaches that anti-vortices spin counterclockwise and emit energy, it became obvious why the aura is dimmer at negative emotions because it releases NEMF energy to the Space Matrix NEMF. Since we say we are in low Spirit when we experience negative emotions, I concluded that the aura is our Spirit – aura (Spirit). I found confirmation of my conclusion in the ancient Jewish Cabala, which was teaching to high priest that the aura is our Spirit [4].


Measuring the Effect of Narcotics on the Emotional Aura (Spirit)

I was University Professor and I was invited by one of my colleagues - a Professor in Mathematics, who was a founder of group Spiritual Enlightenment - to attend one of their meetings. I was surprised to find that most of the students attending the group were marihuana smokers and they were claiming that the marihuana makes them more spiritual. I knew instinctively that this cannot be true and I offered to measure their aura (Spirit). Since the field of the aura (Spirit) is 1,000 times weaker than the field created by the biocurrents of the material body, its measurement requires a very sensitive equipment [5].

I measured the students with my patented sensitive equipment [5] before and after smoking marihuana. I found that after smoking marihuana the intensity of the students’ aura (Spirit) was only 20%, which means that only 20% of their angelic Spirit was left. And the students thought that smoking marihuana makes them more spiritual (?!). Also, they were convinced that being a natural substance marihuana cannot harm them, which is not true because you can poison yourself with natural substances like Bella Donna and die.

In my article [6]: “Marihuana – Yes or No” I definitely said No! because when the angelic Spirit is almost not there (only 20% of the Spirit is left) the material body is an open door for Evil Spirits to jump in. The result is bipolar disorder [7] with large switches between good moods (when the good Spirit dominates) and bad moods (when the bad Evil Spirit dominates). To decrease the amplitude of change between good mood and bad mood, our pharmaceutical industry came up with a drug that trims the energy of both Spirits. This indeed decreased the amplitude of change, but the individuals are left with so little energy that they barely exist.

Now, look at the spiderweb of the spider on Fig. 1 after the scientists gave him the narcotic LSD and you can see that the spider web had only the radial branches, the circles around were missing. Since nonlinear fields have turbulence manifested with vortices spinning clockwise and anti-vortices spinning counterclockwise, the missing circles in the spiderweb means that the nonlinear field (NEMF) is missing. This agree 100% with my finding that after marihuana (narcotic) only 20% of the Spirit NEMF is left. Interestingly enough, it seems that when the nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) of the Spirit is almost not there, the spider cannot weave circles.


Measuring the Effect of Coffee on the Emotional Aura (Spirit)

Now, look at the spiderweb on Fig. 1 woven after the scientists gave coffee to the spider to drink. There are circles around in the web, but they are irregular and totally missing at certain places. So, I decided to measure with my sensitive equipment [5] the effect of coffee on the Spirit of people. Surprisingly, I found that after drinking coffee the intensity of their Spirit NEMF was 15 to 20 % lower. This finding explains the effect of coffee on the spiderweb – when the Spirit NEMF is lower, the circles in the spider web are less perfect (and about 20% of the spiderweb does not have circles). This tells me that the coffee perks us up not by lifting up our Spirit as positive emotions do, i.e. by making the aura (Spirit) to spin faster clockwise and suck more energy from the Space Matrix NEMF. Obviously, the caffeine in the coffee boosts the energy of the material body, but decreases the energy of the Spirit about 20%.



Thus, measurements of the influence of: 1/ narcotics and 2/ coffee on the aura (Spirit) found that while the narcotics leave only 20% of the Spirit, the coffee decreases the energy of the Spirit 20%.

Thus, the caffeine in the coffee boosts the body energy, but decreases the energy of the aura (Spirit) 20%.


1. D.A. Noever, R.J. Cronise, R.A. Relwani, NASA Tech Brief, 19 (4): 82, 1995.

2. P.N. Witt, Behav. Sci., 16, 98, 1971.

3. M. A. Porter, M. Feng, E. Katifori, The Topology of Data, Physical Review, 76 (1) 2023.

4. M. Kuman, Let There Be Light, v. 6, Health and Happiness Books, 2021.

5. M. Kuman, Measuring Reiki Healers Energy Healing, Journal of Acupuncture and Electro-therapeutic Research, 42 (3-4) 2017.

6. M. Kuman, Marihuana – Yes or No, Journal of Natural and Ayurvedic Medicine, 3 (2) 2019.

7. M. Kuman, Marihuana and Mental Diseases, Journal of Natural and Ayurvedic Medicine, 4 (2) 2020.

Figure 1

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