Volume 3 Issue 4 ISSN:

What Is Behind All the Pulmonary Thromboembolism That We Need to Know?

Huang Wei Ling*

Corresponding Author: Dr. Huang Wei Ling, Rua Homero Pacheco Alves, 1929, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil

Copy Right: © 2021 Huang Wei Ling, This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.  

Received Date: August 17, 2021

Published date: September 01, 2021

What Is Behind All the Pulmonary Thromboembolism That We Need to Know?

Pulmonary thromboembolism is a theme that has been very frequent seen among people nowadays. According to all scientific articles written by the author, she will correlate what Western medicine is saying about this subject, with the explanations made according to  traditional Chinese medicine. [1-3]

The author will follow the commandments of Hippocrates (460 a.C. – 337a.C.), father of Medicine, who says that we must consider the oldest medicines before the current medical practice. For this reason, the author will use the explanations of traditional Chinese medicine, that already exist for more than 5,000 years, to understand in its depth what is actually happening with patients who have pulmonary thromboembolism. [4, 5]

In the article written by Lavorini et al. (2013) entitled Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism: a multidisciplinary approach, the authors are saying that the incidence of symptomatic pulmonary thromboembolism is about 1-2 cases per 1000 adults per year. It can increase the incidence with advance age (when the patient has more than 75 years, with the incidence of 500-600 cases per 100.000 people). Women can be more affected in the pregnancy and when using oral contraceptives if compared to men incidence but in older age, the incidence in men is higher than in women. [6]

According to traditional Chinese medicine, for the individual to be healthy, it must have the four energies intact (Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood). These energies are produced and distributed by the five internal massive organs (Kidney, Liver, Heart, Spleen and Lungs) that composes the five elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Water) respectively of the Five Element theory in traditional Chinese medicine. [5]

Yin and Yang are produced by the Kidney meridian (that correspond to the Water element or second chakra). Blood is produced by the Spleen-pancreas meridian (Earth element or fifth chakra) and the Heart energy meridian (that corresponds to the Fire element or third chakra) is important to allow the Blood to flow within the blood vessel. The Qi comes from the balance of the production of previous forces of Yin, Yang and Blood and it is distributed through the Liver (Wood element or first chakra) and through the Lung (Metal element or fourth chakra). [2]

Contrary to what Western medicine advocates, all internal massive organs are interdependent and not works separately. They are interconnected by an energy flow (the Generation cycle and Control cycle) and it has already been much discussed and described in many articles written by Huang (2019) as in the article entitled Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin? [1]

Through a clinical case that she attended in July 2021, she will demonstrate the clinical reasoning of an 80-year-old patient who had a history of pulmonary thromboembolism in 2020.

This patient had a past history of arterial hypertension and was using Losartan and Rosuvastatin and Combodart (due to a history of benign prostatic hypertrophy).

Three months before presenting pulmonary thromboembolism (on August 2020), he presented an inguinoscrotal hernia, that evolved to surgery to remove the intestinal loop that had entered the patient's hernia.

After the pulmonary thromboembolism (that occurred in November 2020), the patient had bilateral lower limb edema, which improved with periodic Penicillin (benzetacil) injections and use of Lasix (40 mg) one pill every other day.

The patient presented several episodes of urinary tract infection after the pulmonary embolism without improvement with the use of antibiotics.

In the patient medical appointment, in July 2021, the chakra energy measurement was performed, using a crystal pendulum, which demonstrated that all his chakra were totally depleted in energy (rated one out eight), with the exception of the seventh ( that was normal rated in eight).

In the articles previously written by Huang (2021), entitled Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction, and in the second article also written by Huang (2021) entitled What We Need to Know When the Patient has a Stroke with or without COVID-19?, they are saying that what both pathologies have in common is the energy deficiency of the five internal massive organs (Kidney, Liver, Heart, Spleen and Lung).  These organs are responsible for the production of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood that is important to maintain the Blood flowing inside the blood vessels and to give adequate amount of energy to this end. [7, 8]

In another article written by Huang (2019) entitled Energy Alterations as the Underlying Cause of Primary Hypertension? she is saying that hypertensive patients have in common, a deficiency of energy from the chakras’ energy centers and all the treatments that these patients usually are submitted are only treating the symptoms and not the cause. This partial view of the human being, not considering the energy part that also composes the human body, leads to this partial understanding of the formation of the diseases, as Huang (2021) wrote in the editorial article entitled What Flexner Report did to Our Medicine After 100 Years of Implantation? The use of these medications to treat the symptoms but not the cause, that are energy deficiencies (in the root of the tree, demonstrated in many articles wrote by the author), may be maintaining the energy imbalance at the root of the problem. [9, 10]

In the article written by Iqbal and Jamal (2021) entitled Essential Hypertension, they are saying that most cases of essential hypertension are considered idiopathic associated with increase with salt intake (genetic ability to salt response in 50 to 60% of these patients). [11]

On August 2020, this patient had inguinoscrotal hernia that occurred for the same reason (energy deficiencies in the chakras’ energy centers). According to the article written by the author, entitled What is Behind All Hernia Formations that We Need To Know? What all patients that has hernia have it in common is the deficiency of chakra energy centers of all internal massive organs. This affirmation was also said in the article written by Huang (2019) entitled The Importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in the Treatment of Patients with Glaucoma. [12]

As the root of the problem (energy deficiency) was not treated in all these diseases, but only the symptoms, the patient evolved to a pulmonary thromboembolism, probably caused by the stagnation of Blood in the lower limbs and embolization was performed for the Lung (caused by lack of energy in the five massive internal organs responsible for Yin, Yang, Qi, and Blood), at the end of 2000. [7]

After this evolution, the patient presented the symptoms of recurrent urinary infection that did not improve with the use of any antibiotic. According to the article written by Huang (2020) entitled Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments, the author says that what happens in these patients that have recurrent urinary tract infections is that there is the formation of an internal Heat that is located in the bladder due to general energy deficiency (found in all patients with recurrent urinary tract infection). When the patient uses antibiotics to treat this infection, the vital energy drops even more and more internal Heat is produced, keeping the bacteria adhering to the bladder cells.  When the author uses tools in traditional Chinese medicine ( Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting) removing this Heat and filling the energy of these five internal massive  organs through homeopathic medicines, according to the theory created by Huang (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, patients can improve the symptoms of urinary tract infections, because the energy imbalances that were causing the formation of this infection were being treated. [13, 14]

Using this theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat the patients, all problems presented by the patients can be treated at the same time, even the doctor does not know that the patient have such symptom. In this theory, according to traditional Chinese medicine, all clinical manifestations presented by the patients are related to the Five Element theory disharmony and also, due to the influences of the external pathogenic factor (Cold, Wind, Heat, Humidity and Dryness). [14]

In another theory presented by the author about the balance between Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, she said that all patients’ physical and emotional problems will be treated at the same time. These energies are inside each internal massive organs and treating the lack of each energy inside each massive organ, will treat all manifestation of diseases that are all explained by the energy disharmony between these four energies and formation of internal Heat, when there is deficiency or excess of each energy. This theory was presented at Harvard Medical School, in Boston, United States, in an Acupuncture Research Conference, in 2015, in a study entitled Acupuncture Viewed Holistically Can Treat all Diseases at the Same Time, even the doctor does not know that the patient has such symptom. [15]

The author chose to use homeopathy medication in all her patients nowadays due to the new energy pattern that the world population is currently having.  In a study carried out by the author, analyzing a 1000 chakras’ energy centers of her patients during 2015 and 2020, she concluded that about 90% of the patients treated by her are completely deficient in energy in the internal five massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney), that corresponds to the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) of the Five Elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine. This means that all the energy produced by these organs are impaired due to low energy mode of these organs, leading to all manifestations of all diseases nowadays, that could be explained by these low production of energy (Yin and Yang by the Kidney; Blood by the Spleen; Qi by the Liver and Lung) manifesting as, in this specific case, pulmonary thromboembolism, due to low energy to maintain the Blood flowing inside the Blood vessels and leading to stagnation and Blood clot. The data of this study was published by Huang (2021) in the article entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection. [16]

According to Arndt Shultz Law, created in 1888 by two German scientists, highly diluted drugs increase the vital energy and it is this effect that we need to have on our patients today. The use of any kind of highly concentrated drugs reduce even more this energy that is already low, leading to infectious and non-infectious complications such as hyperglycemia, hypertension, myocardial infarction, strokes, etc and can be lethal. [16]

Therefore, the energy alterations of patients who are having pulmonary thromboembolism, are due to the lack of energy of the five massive internal organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney) that is not producing enough energy to maintain the Blood flowing adequately inside the vessel, leading to stagnation of Blood. The use of homeopathy medications, according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, to replenish the energy of the five massive organs, that are deficient, are leading to thrombus embolism and Blood stagnation formation. In reality, all these patients are suffering from the lack of energy in the chakras’ energy centers, as showed in the study of the author (she thinks that the study the author did in Brazil, could be a sample of what could be happening in the whole world) and for this reason, it is of paramount importance to treat the cause, that are these energy deficiencies and not just the symptoms, that is the pulmonary thromboembolism. [16]

According to Hippocrates (460 a.C. – 337a.C.), we should treat the patient and not the disease.  In another commandment of Hippocrates, he said that it is more important to know what kind of person has the disease than to know what kind of disease the patient has. [4]

According to Albert Einstein (1879-1955), “the world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking”. [17]



1. Huang Wei Ling, “Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia Despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin?” Int J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2019; 4(2):1-14.

2. Huang Wei Ling, “The Importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances in the Prevention and Treatment of Myocardial Infarction”. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences. 2020; 4(6):20-27.

3. Huang Wei Ling, “Chakras Energy Alterations in Patients with Hemorrhoids and How to Treat it without Surgery”. Surg Med Open Acc J. 2020;3(5).

4.  Craik E. “The “Hippocratic” Corpus: Content and Context”. Routledge (2014): 344.

5. Huang Wei Ling, “Why Do Patients Still Catch Hospital Infections Despite the Practice of Infection Prevention and Control Programs?” Acta Scientific Microbiol. 2018; 1(4):34-43.

6. Lavorini F et al. “Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism: a multidisciplinary approach. Multidiscip Respir Med”. 2013 Dec 19;8(1):75. doi: 10.1186/2049-6958-8-75.

7. Huang Wei Ling, “Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction. Online Journal of Cardiology Research & Reports”. 2021; 4(5).

8. Huang Wei Ling. “What We Need to Know When the Patient has a Stroke with or without COVID-19?". Acta Scientific Neurology 4.8 (2021): 01-05.

9. Huang Wei Ling, “Energy Alterations as the Underlying Cause of Primary Hypertension. ARC J Nephrol”. 2019; 4(2):33-44.

10. Huang Wei Ling. “What Flexner Report did to Our Medicine After 100 Years of Implantation?". Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 4.8 (2021): 01-04.

11.  Iqbal A et al. Essential Hypertension. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan. Last Update: July 10, 2021.

12. Huang Wei Ling, “The Importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in the Treatment of Patients with Glaucoma”. Clin Res Ophthalmol. 2019; 2(2):1-9.

13. Huang Wei Ling. “Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments”. Clinic Res Urol 2020;3(2):1-8.

14. Huang Wei Ling, “Constitutional Homeopathy of Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine”. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences. 2020; 4(7):57-69.

15. The Society for Acupuncture Research Conference in Boston November 12-14, 2015. Retrieved 08/16/2021. Available in: https://www.han-institute.com/the-society-for-acupuncture-research-2015-conference/

16. Huang Wei Ling. “Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection". Acta Scientific Microbiology 4.4 (2021): 167-196.

17. The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” - Albert Einstein. Retrieved 08/16/2021. Available in: https://www.baldwin-school.org/apps/news/article/499688

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