Understanding The Gastro-Intestinal Diseases
Dr. Dilip Kr. Goswami*
Corresponding Author: Dr. Dilip Kr. Goswami, MD (Ay), Ph. D. Associate Professor Agada Tantra and Vidhi Ayurveda (Toxicology and Forensic Medicine) Govt. Ayurvedic College, Guwahati, Assam, India
Copy Right: © 2021 Dr. Dilip Kr. Goswami. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received Date: September 25, 2021
Published date: October 01, 2021
Case history taking and systemic examination can be considered as “THE KEY” of success of a physician. Only history and proper examination can give proper diagnosis which can only guide to select appropriate medicine for successful treatment of a patient.
Discussion on case history taking and examination occupy an important place in medical science. Interestingly the Ayurvedic scholars, before thousands of years, have also discussed elaborately about the case history taking and patient examination with special reference to importance and techniques which guide the physicians in the field of diagnosis.
Detail search of the ancient health science prominently reflects that, in addition to the general examination and diagnostic techniques there are also discussion on the special techniques to diagnose the diseases of the individual systems like Gastro-intestinal system, Respiratory system, Urinary system, Cardiovascular system, Nervous system etc. Here a discussion on the classical examination procedures and history taking to diagnose Gastro-intestinal diseases is briefed.
A discussion on 8 types of Udara roga is mentioned in the 13th chapter of Chikitsa sthana of Charaka Samhita (the oldest manual of general medicine). As described in this context the statement and examination findings, if contains the following points then “Udara roga” (Gastro-intestinal diseases) should be suspected –
(1) Dryness of mouth (Shushkabaktra)
(2) Emaciation (Krisha gatrata)
(3) Flatulence (Udara adhmana)
(4) Reduced digestive capacity (Pranastagni)
(5) Anorexia (Ahara shakti nasha)
(6) Reduction of the working capacity (Sarbachestahani)
(7) Pathetic appearance (Dinata)
Such patients can also give the following description of his/her suffering as prodromal
Symptoms –
(1) Loss/reduced appetite (Kshudhanasha)
(2) sweet taste (Swadu baktra)
(3) Gradual loss of strength (Balakshaya)
(4) Fatigue even after mild exercise (Alpe vyayame shwasa)
(5) Flatulence (Adhmana) etc.
In a patient of Udara roga the following signs can be expected –
(1) Flatulence (Adhmana)
(2) Gargling sound in the abdomen (Atopa)
(3) Reduced digestive capacity (Agnimandya)
(4) Emaciation (Karshya) etc.
From the above guidelines for diagnosis of Gastro-Intestinal diseases mentioned by the founder of Indian medicine (Ayurveda) it can be summerised that, during the process of history taking the physician should note the symptoms like stool habit, status of digestion, feeling of flatulence, appetite, taste, physical strength, energy to work and status of health.
The points discussed here are only some examples of guidelines for diagnosis of Gastro-intestinal diseases. A detail description and discussion on the signs and symptoms of the Gastro –intestinal symptoms are also available in the Ayurvedic classics that reflect and prove the depth of knowledge of diagnostic procedures of our ancestors.